Spindle Break-In

>i^hZhhZci^VaidXadhZan[daadli]ZegdeZgWgZV`"^c egdXZYjgZhidZchjgZigdjWaZ"[gZZeZg[dgbVcXZd[ i]^hb^aa#

Do not attempt to perform the spindle break- in until successful completion of the Test Run section on Page 19. Failure to complete the test run of the machine increases the chance for serious injury or property dam- age.


Complete the Initial lubrication procedures on Page 18 before proceeding. Failure to follow reasonable lubrication practices as outlined in this manual could lead to pre- mature failure of your mill and will void the warranty.


Successfully complete the spindle break-in procedure to avoid rapid wear of spindle components when placed into operation.

To perform the spindle break-in procedure:

1. 6Y_jhi i]Z ejaaZnh id hZi i]Z he^cYaZ heZZY id '(% GEB <%,'-$<%,'.! dg ',% GEB <%,(%$<%,(& hZZ Page 27 [dg YZiV^aZY ^chigjXi^dcdcAdjusting Spindle Speed#

2. Ijgci]Zhl^iX]idi]Z;L9edh^i^dc#

3. AZii]Zb^aagjcVii]^hheZZY[dg'%b^cjiZh! i]Zc ijgc i]Z he^cYaZ OFF VcY lV^i [dg ^i id hide#

4. Ijgci]Zhe^cYaZY^gZXi^dchl^iX]idi]ZG:K edh^i^dc! VcY aZi ^i gjc [dg Vcdi]Zg '% b^c" jiZh#

5. HZii]Zhe^cYaZheZZYVi&+*%GEB<%,'-$ <%,'.!dg&,'%GEB<%,(%$<%,(&!i]Zc gZeZViSteps 2–4#

6. Ijgc i]Z b^aa OFF# I]Z he^cYaZ WgZV`"^c ^h cdl XdbeaZiZ VcY i]Z bVX]^cZ ^h gZVYn [dg deZgVi^dc#


Page 22
Image 22
Grizzly G0728 owner manual Spindle Break-In,  IjgciZhliXidiZL9edhidc#