Figure 19. Table in maximum left tilt position.
To adjust the positive stop so the table will be perpendicular (90°) to the blade:
1.Loosen the two knobs and the checknut securing the positive stop adjusting stud.
2.Raise the upper blade guide assembly and place a 6" machinistÕs square or
Figure 20. Checking blade to table.
3.Secure the knobs and lock the positive adjusting stud by tightening the checknut. Ensure that the stud does not turn while tightening the checknut. Set the angle pointer to zero.
The table should also be 90¡ to the back edge of the blade. If the table is not perpendicular to the back of the blade, shim the table in the desired direction with washers. Remove the trunnion bolts and add washers between the table and the trunnion so the table tilts in the desired direction. See Figure 21. Electrical washers are a good choice for shimming because they are very thin and will allow fine adjustment.
Place Shims Here
Figure 21. Front to back shimming.
The table can also be shifted side to side to properly align the miter slot and the blade:
1.Loosen the 6 trunnion bolts underneath the table.
2.Install the largest width blade available. Lay a straightedge along the blade and inspect it closely to make sure it is parallel to the blade. Make sure there is no deflec- tion of the blade from the straightedge.
3.Measure the distance between the edge of the miter gauge slot and the straightedge at points A and B. See Figure 22. Distance A should be approximately equal to distance B. Adjust the table slightly until these dis- tances are equal.
G4186Z 18" Bandsaw |