Additional Safety Instructions for Sanders
2.KEEP FINGERTIPS AWAY from the mov- ing disc. Serious injury could result if skin contacts abrasives or moving parts.
3.NEVER USE EXCESSIVE FORCE when sanding. Doing this greatly increases the chances of personal injury and motor over- load.
4.ALWAYS FEED THE WORK against the direction of rotation.
5.USE A DUST MASK or respirator when sanding, as well as eye and ear protection, even if you have a reliable method of dust collection.
6.IF THERE IS ANY DOUBT ABOUT THE STABILITY or integrity of the material to be sanded, do not sand it.
7.DO NOT OPERATE SANDER with a dam- aged or badly worn disc or belt.
8.WHEN DISC SANDING, feed material into the portion of the disc spinning down toward the table.
9.TIE BACK LONG HAIR and remove any
10.BE AWARE THAT CERTAIN WOODS MAY CAUSE AN ALLERGIC REACTION in people and animals, especially when exposed to fine dust. Make sure you know what type of wood dust you will be exposed to and always wear an approved respirator.
11.HABITS — GOOD OR BAD — are hard to break. Develop good habits and safety will become second nature to you.
Like all power tools, there is danger asso- ciated with the Model G7297 12" Disc Sander. Accidents are frequently caused by lack of familiarity or failure to pay atten- tion. Use this tool with respect and cau- tion to lessen the possibility of operator injury. If normal safety precautions are overlooked or ignored, serious personal injury may occur.
No list of safety guidelines can be com- plete. Every shop environment is different. Always consider safety first, as it applies to your individual working conditions. Use this and other machinery with caution and respect. Failure to do so could result in serious personal injury, damage to equip- ment or poor work results.
G7297 Disc Sander |