Safe Grinding |
| Wheel Care |
The grinder is a safe tool when used properly. In addition to the safety instructions in this manual, the most important safety consideration is to use common sense at all times. What may be okay in one situation, may not be safe in another.
Here are some tips to keep in mind while grinding:
¥Make sure all guards are in place.
¥Remember that grinding often produces sparks. DO NOT allow anyone to stand in the path of the sparks. DO NOT grind near flam- mable liquids or gases.
¥Maintain proper care of your wheels. Read the ÒWheel CareÓ instructions for ideas on how to go about doing this.
¥Wear the proper protective clothing. Remember that particles flying off of a grind- ing wheel will be traveling very fastÑprepare for this. Wear safety glasses, a dust mask, earplugs, a leather apron, arm guards, a hardhat and heavy leather boots.
¥Grasp the workpiece tight and properly sup- port it on the tool rest during operation. DO NOT lean into the workpiece in a manner that may cause your hands to move into the spin- ning wheel if the workpiece slips off.
¥Concentrate on the task at hand. STOP grinding if other people are distracting you. STOP grinding if your mind is on something else.
¥DO NOT grind on the side of the wheel. Although side grinding is permissible for some wheel types, the Model H4378/H4379 is not designed for side grinding.
Your safety when grinding depends, on a large part, on the condition of the wheel during grinding. A wheel in poor condition presents the possibility of breaking apart during rotation and injuring the operator and possibly causing property damage.
Here are some tips to help you avoid breaking the wheel:
¥Always transport, store and handle wheels with care. Wheels may be damaged if they are dropped or if heavy objects are stacked on them.
¥Select the right grinding wheel for the job. Do not grind material that is not designed for the wheel.
¥Select the right machine for the wheel. A machine that rotates at a higher RPM than the wheel is rated for may cause the wheel to fly apart.
¥Mount the wheels properly. (See the ÒWheel MountingÓ instructions on page 13 for guid- ance.) Never use a wheel with the wrong arbor size for the grinder.
¥Do not abuse the wheel by jamming the work into the grinding wheel with excessive force.
¥Learn how to use the grinder and the grinding wheels properly. Ask a trusted person with experience or consult with your local library to learn more.
¥If using coolant, always spin it out of the wheel before turning off the power.
¥Grinding on side of the wheel may cause wheel damage.
H4378/H4379 Slimline Bench Grinder |