Model H7826 Flooring Nailer -5-
Operating this nailer can pro -
pel objec ts into the air, causing
immediate eye dam age. To protect
yourself, always wea r American
National Stan dards Instit ute (ANSI )
approved safety glasse s or goggles
when op erating this equipment. In
addition, this nailer discharges at
up to 8 5-90 decibels. To protect
your hea ring, always we ar AN SI
approved ear protection w hen oper-
ating this nailer.
Nailer accidents routinel y hap pen
while moving the gun to another loca-
tion, to another room, or even another
job site. Always disco nnect the nail-
er i mmediately after use a nd never
transport t he nailer while connected
to the air— even if th e air comp res-
sor is di sconnected from its power
No list of safety guideli nes can be
complete. Ever y shop environment
is dif ferent. Always consider sa fety
first, as it applies to your individu-
al working condi tions. Use this a nd
other tools with caution and respect.
Failure to do so could re sult in seri-
ous personal injury, damage to equip-
ment or poor work resul ts.