Model T10008 2000 Kg Digital Crane Scale-6-
Scale Functions
Off/On 2000 Maximum capacity in Kg.
U X.XX Current battery voltage
99999 Warming up
- XX Current weight
0 Steady light will engage, ready
Turning the Scale ON
After your crane scale has be en properly
suspended, familiarize yourself with th e
functions both on the scale and on the
remote control. Begin by hold ing down the
ON/OFF button on the scale to turn it ON
(Figure 4). Eac h time the scale is tur ned
on, it will flash a series of displays. Use the
table below to fami liarize yourself wit h the
display and its meanings.
Tare Function
The tare functio n will allow you to auto-
matically deduc t the weight of the weigh-
ing platforms or contai ners, resulting in a
final weight of only the items that you want
weighed (the net weight). When your scale
is ready, attach your weighin g platform to
the lifting hook at the botto m of the sc ale,
then wait u ntil the "STEADY" light comes
on. Before placing any items on the plat-
form, deduct the weight of the pl atform
by pressing the TARE b utton on the scale
(Figure 4), or by pressing Tare on the
remote control. After you have selec ted
the Tare function for the platform, the scale
will return to 0 lbs. between loads unt il you
turn off the scale.
Power Saving
If the load is left at stable status, ("STEADY"
as shown in Figure 4), for longer th an 15
minutes, the screen will flash "" to save
power and will retu rn to normal weighing
readings when the load is changed. If
the load is lef t at stable status for over 60
minutes, the scale will turn OFF au tomati-
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Figure 4. Scale face.
Remote Receiver Window
Tare LED Display
ON/OFF Button
Load Stable LED Display
Tare Button
Hold LED Display
To guarantee accuracy for you r crane
scale, allow it warm u p without a load for
3-5 minutes.