Model T10008 2000 Kg Digital Crane Scale-10-
OF PROPERLY. Consult your local disposal com-
pany for recycling options in your area.
servicing, a djusting, o r doing main-
tenance to r educe the risk of a cci-
dental injury or ele ctrocution.
Regularly check m ounting hardware for
cracks, unsafe wear, deformation, or warp-
ing. DO NOT attempt to fix the mo unt-
ing hardware ! Discar d and replace a ll
damaged mounting har dware. Regularly
check for loose pins, rings, screws, and
safety latches . Tighten or repl ace any
loose items. Damaged or loose par ts may
cause the load to fall and may result in
serious injury.
Always keep the scale in a hangi ng posi-
tion to relieve strain on the load cell. Never
leave a load or weighing equipment on t he
scale w hen n ot in use. This may cause
excessive strain on the precis ion weighing
device and may result in inaccurate read-
ings and shorten the l ife of your scale.
When recharging the scale battery, charge
for at least 8 hours. Excessive charging
will not damage the battery. Batteries must
be recycled or disposed of properly.
If your scale mal functions beyond the
scope of this manual, do not attempt to f ix
it yourself. Contact a cer tified professional
for any electrical or detailed calibrat ion
General If the scale becomes dirty, cle an the
screen with a soft cloth using a mild win-
dow cleaner or detergent. Avoid using
paper t owels. DO NOT use solvents,
chemicals or other corrosive materials to
clean the scale.
If th e scale will not be used for a pro-
longed amount of time, remove the battery.
Suspend the scale at all times and do not
allow it to rest on the g round.