Mixed grills
Lamp chops with basil
Per portion: • one 150 g lamp chop • 1 clove of garlic • oil • fresh chopped basil
• salt • pepper
Crush the garlic with the salt, pepper and oil. Add the basil, smear this mixture onto the chops and cook for approximately 7 minutes per side.
Chicken fillet in "diable" sauce
Per portion: • one 150 g chicken filet • 1/2 concentrated meat stock cube
•2 glasses of dry white wine • 2 shallots • 1 tsp of mustard • salt • Cayenne pepper
For the "diable" sauce: bring the white wine to the boil with the chopped shallots and reduce by half. Mix in the
Salmon with "mint" sauce
Per portion: • one 200 g salmon filet • mint sauce for 4 people: 1 egg yolk, 1 small pot of crème fraîche, 1 small handful of fresh chopped mint, 1 glass of
Cook the filets for approximately 6 minutes per side, turning carefully with a spatula. Prepare the sauce by mixing the egg yolk, crème fraîche, chopped mint,
Red mullet, sardines, tuna fillets, "sea-side" style
Per portion: • 3 red mullet or 4 sardines or one 200 g tuna fillet • oil • 1/2 lemon
• 1 knob of butter • salt • pepper
Smear the fish with oil, season. Cook for approximately 5 minutes per side for goatfish, 3 minutes per side for sardines, and approximately 8 minutes per side for tuna filet. Serve with melted butter and lemon quarters.