Reference Guide for Water Heating
BTU/Output = GPH x 8.33 lbs./Gal. x Temp. Rise
BTU/Input = GPH x 8.33 x Temp. Rise
% Efficiency
KW = GPH x 8.33 x Temp. Rise 3413
To convert from degrees Centigrade (C) to degrees Fahrenheit (F) multiply the number of degrees C by 9/5 (or 1.8) and add 32.
To convert from degrees Fahrenheit (F) to degrees Centigrade (C) first subtract 32 from the number of degrees F then multiply the remainder by 5/9 (or 0.556).
| Gas |
| BTUs | ||
| 1 lb. of Butane | = | 21,300 |
| |
1 | Gal. of Butane | = | 102,600 |
| |
1 | Cu. Ft. of Butane | = | 3,260 |
| |
1 | Cu. Ft. of Manufactured | = | 530 |
| |
1 | Cu. Ft. of Mixed | = | 850 |
| |
1 | Cu. Ft. of Natural | = | 1,075 |
| |
| 1 lb. of Propane | = | 21,600 |
| |
1 | Gal. of Propane | = | 91,700 |
| |
1 | Cu. Ft. of Propane | = | 2,570 |
| |