The installation of this operator conforms to CLASS __________.
The installer verifies that (each item must be checked):
___ Required safety edges were installed.
___ Roller guards were installed over gate rollers.
___ Fence was screened so that no one can reach through the gate to operate controls.
___ Customer was informed that this gate is for vehicular use ONLY. Pedestrians MAY NOT use this gate.
___ A separate gate or entrance was installed for pedestrian use.
___ All warning signs and labels were installed as specified in the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS.
___ Safety instructions were reviewed with the customer.
___ The IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS manual was given to the customer.
___ Customer was instructed about proper use of the foot pedal release.
___ Customer was instructed about proper use of transmitter and (or) other entry controls.
___ Customer was asked to fill out customer support card and mail it to GTO, Inc.
___ Customer was asked to retain all receipts (receipts provide proof of warranty).
___ Customer was asked to retain IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS, etc. for future reference.
___ The completed installation was photographed from both the front and back of the gate. Photo was dated.
Customer’s Signature
Installer’s Signature