512to 7 qt
How much does your slow cooker
hold? The capacity of your slow cooker
refers to the amount the crock can hold
if it is filled to the rim. However, we DO
NOT recommend filling to the rim.
As a rule, you should select recipes
that yield 1 quart less than the listed
capacity of your crock. For example,
if your slow cooker is labeled as a
6-quart slow cooker, your best results
will be achieved using recipes that yield
5 quarts or less.
The following recipes list two ingredient
amounts: one for medium crocks and
one for large crocks. Amounts are
given for 3 to 5 quart crocks OR 512to
7-quart crocks. If you have a large
crock, 7 quart for example, we do not
recommend using the amounts listed
for the smaller crocks. The recipe may
512to 7 qt

Arroz con Pollo

1 2 (3 pound) chickens, cut in pieces
1 1 (14.5 oz) can Italian-style stewed tomatoes
10 oz box 1 (16 oz) bag frozen peas
1 2 (14 oz) cans chicken broth
34 cup 1 (12 oz) jar roasted red peppers,
drained and cut in strips
1 2 (8 oz) boxes Spanish-style yellow rice mix
1 2 teaspoons garlic salt
Combine all ingredients in crock. Stir well. Cover and cook: Low – 8 hours OR
High – 4 hours. Makes 4 or 8 servings.

Chicken in a Pot

1 2 (16 oz) packages frozen mixed vegetables
1 2 (1.5 oz) envelopes beef stroganoff sauce mix
1 2 (3 pound) whole chickens
121 teaspoon each: paprika, onion powder, garlic powder
Combine vegetables and sauce mix in crock. Sprinkle seasonings on chicken.
Place chicken in crock over vegetables. Cover and cook: Low – 8 hours OR
High – 4 hours. Makes 4 or 8 servings.
3 to 5 qt
1 Dish Meals ........................................ 8
Soups & Stews.................................. 9
Main Dishes .................................. 14
Side Dishes .................................... 19
Miscellaneous .................................. 21
3 to 5 qt

1 Dish Meals