Pointer to a data structure describing the image to to be retrieved. typedef struct
int AspectRatio; int OffsetX;
int OfsetY; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; int resolution; FileFormat_t format; int reserved;
} IntellImgDesc _t; |
| |
Aspect Ratio: | Ratio of the bar code height (linear bar codes) or row height (2D bar codes) to the narrow element | |
| width. |
OffsetX: | Offset in X direction of center of image, relative to the bar code center, using Intelligent Bar Code | |
| Units (page |
OffsetY: | Offset in Y direction of the center of the image, relative to the bar code center, using Intelligent Bar | |
| Code Units. Positive Y is above the bar code center, and negative Y is below the center. | |
width: | Width of image, using Intelligent Bar Code Units. | |
height: | Height of image, using Intelligent Bar Code Units. | |
resolution: | The number of pixels to use per Intelligent Bar Code Unit. A higher resolution yields a better quality | |
| image, but also a larger one. The exact value of resolution required is dependent on how far away | |
| the Imager is from the image, and how high the desired image quality. | |
format: | Format of image. The following formats are supported: | |
| FF_RAW_BINARY | Raw data that's converted to 2 gray levels |
| FF_RAW_GRAY | Raw data that's converted to 256 gray levels |
This function causes the engine to start scanning for a decodable symbol. This function does not return until either a symbol is decoded, or the timeout period has elapsed. If a message was decoded it is returned in this function's parameters.
Result_t oemWaitForDecode (
DWORD dwTimeout, TCHAR *pchMessage, TCHAR *pchCodeID, TCHAR *pchAIMID, TCHAR *pchSymModifier, WORD *pnLength, BOOL (*fpCallBack) (void)
Return Values
IMAGETEAM™ 4X00 Series Software Development Kit (SDK) User’s Guide | 2 - 67 |