Oakleaf Woodburning Stove
6Mobile Home
A. Mobile Home Installation
Mobile home approval - U.S. only.
1.An outside air inlet must be provided for combustion air, and must remain clear of leaves, debris, ice, and/or snow. The outside air path must be unrestricted while the appliance is in operation.
2.The combustion air intake system must be of metal construction. It must permit
3.The appliance must be secured to the mobile home structure by bolting it to the floor. There are brackets included, you'll need to secure with the proper length lag bolts.
4.The appliance must be grounded to the metal framing of the mobile home
5.All clearances to combustibles and floor protection requirements must be followed.
6.Follow the vent manufacturer's instructions when installing in a mobile home.
7.Installation shall be in accordance with the Manufactured Home and Safety Standard (HUD) CFR 3280, Part 24
8.The appliance must never be installed in a room designated for sleeping.
Installation must comply with
Manufactured Home and Safety Standard
(HUD), CFR 3280, Part 24.
Maintain structural integrity of mobile home:
•Floor, wall, ceiling and/or roof.
Do NOT cut through:
•Floor joist, wall studs, or ceiling trusses.
•Any supporting material that would affect the structural integrity.
Never draw outside combustion air from:
•Wall, floor or ceiling cavity.
•Enclosed space such as an attic or garage
Never install in a room intended for sleeping.
This diagram shows the bracket that was used to bolt the stove to the pallet. Use at least two of these brackets for securing the appliance through the floor in a mobile home installation. The bracket will slip over the top of the leveling adjuster. The installer will need to determine and obtain the properly sized lag bolts.
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