Clearances to combustibles
If installing the furnace in a room separated from the
remaining living spaces, the minimum size of the room must
be no smaller than 8’ x 8’. See Fig. 21. The reason for this
is heat build-up and required space for service and normal
This is the minimum size of the room even if it is built
of non-combustible material.
High and low air vents MUST be installed between
the room and the remaining living space. Each vent should
be at least 72 square inches in area. ( The vent size will
need to be increased if there is no return air ducting sys-
The striped areas are the minimum clearances to com-
bustibles which is 36” from stove body, not hopper o r
The shaded area indicates the required floor protec-
tion area. The PF100 requires 48” x 52” of floor protec-
tion centered around the skidplate footprint. Flooring should
be a minimum of 26 gauge sheet metal covering the instal-
lation clearance area and 18” in front of, and 8” to either
side of the ash pan door.
The 18” clearance on the hopper end is a manufactur-
ers recommendation for adding pellets and or servicing the
feeder mechanism.
The minimum ceiling height is 6’6”. This is set by the
clearance to combustibles ( 28” ) from the top of the
of the furnace. See Fig. 22.
The minimum clearance to the top of the plenum is 4”.
Note the minimum height to the bottom of the supply
duct if it crosses the hopper.
The minimum duct configuration to a living space above
the furnace is as shown in below. An offset of at least 24”
MUST be installed between the plenum and the floor regis-
ter. The register size MUST have an area of at least 240
square inches.
CAUTION: When installing a floor
registe r, th e t emperature of the
discharge air MUST be taken into
consideration (The discharge air
temperature may be high enough to
cause burns if not properly operated
and maintained.)
CAUTION: The Blower Motor full
load AMPS MUST be checked.A
plenum damper may be required to
adjust the motor full load AMPS to the
motor nameplate rating.
Fig. 22
52” long
Floor Protector
48” wide
NOTE: Install vent at clearances
specified by the vent manufacturer.
Venting and Clearances