The Harman PF100 may be connected to a gas or
oil-fired central furnace or heat pump duct system. Prior
to installation, determine whether all requirements for
installation including all clearnaces can be met.
The PF100 warm air supply and the cold air return
must be installed in a parallel arrangement. EXAMPLE:
The warm air supply duct from the PF100 is to be con-
nected to the warm air supply of the existing furnace.
Also the cold air return duct from the existing furnace is
to be connected to the cold air return duct of the PF100.
Isolation dampers (2) should be installed in the ductwork.
(1) in the warm air supply duct for the existing furnace
and (1) in the warm air supply duct of the PF100 after
or “downstream” of the high limit/fan control. These
dampers can be manually operated or fully automatic.
In either case, the unit that is not being used must be
prevented from being operated. (This also can be done
manually or automatically.) NOTE: Any control wiring,
power wiring needed should be performed by a quali-
fied installer and/or electrician.
The warm-air supply outlet of the PF100 shall not
be connected to the cold-air return inlet of the central
furnace because a possibility exists of components of
the central furnace overheating and causing the central
furnace to operate other than as intended.
We recommend that the warm air supply plenum
be constructed of sheet metal.
Fig. 33
Installing Duct
Installing Duct