Burnpot cleaning:The burnpot should be cleaned no less than once a
week. For best operation the burnpot should be cleaned
every time the hopper is filled with pellets. The fire does
not have to be out to scrape the burnpot although it is
recomended the furnace be on minimum burn at the time
of cleaning.
Note: The furnace can easily be turned to mini-
mum burn regardless of present operation. Simply turn
the Mode Selector to SERVICE. Then turn the Temp
Dial to the #1 setting. If this is done before starting to
refill the hopper the furnace will not be as hot when scrap-
ing the burnpot. When the burnpot cleaning is completed
don’t forget to turn the control back to the Wall Control
positions. See Fig. 61.
Use the flat end of the scraper provided to scrape
down over the holed surface of the burnpot grate. See
Fig. 62. It is not necessary to clean out the scrapings
from this cleaning because they will be pushed out the
next time the auger operates.
Note: Make a special effort to scrape the bottom
inside corners of the burnpot where the auger tube en-
ters the burnpot. Carbon deposits can build up over time
in this area that may cause a restriction to the flow of
pellets into the burnpot.
Note: An old long shank screwdriver with the end
sharpened is an ideal aid in the removal of these deposits.
Cleaning the burnpot air chamber:This area only needs to be cleaned twice a heating
season, unless excessive buildup is noticed during sched-
uled cleanings.
There is a cover on the front of the burnpot to gain
access to the air chamber and igniter. The cover is held
into place by two thumb screws. Loosen the t humb
screws and remove the cover. See Fig. 60. The air cham-
ber can be cleaned of any ash that has fallen through the
holes during operation and cleaning. Also at this time,
remove the feeder assembly cover and remove any fines
that may have accumulated.
Scrape burnpot
to remove any
carbon build-up
that may have
Scraping can be done while in
Fig. 60
Fig. 61
Fig. 62
Fines cleanout cover
Feeder Chamber (Fig. 61):This chamber may get a buildup of fines from the feeder
mechanism movement. This area should be checked and
cleaned at least once a year.
To remove the feeder cover:
• Remove the 5/16" wing nut.
• Slide the cover off of the threaded stud.
• Inspect and clean the inner chamber if necessary. See
Fig. 61.
• Reinstall the cover making certain it is centered on the
feeder body and tighten as tightly as you can by hand.
Possible pellet fines build up area.