Fan Control Hopper Lid
Control Cover
3 Speed Switch
Viewing Glass
Outer Door
Vent Pipe
Heat Exchanger
Outer Door Latches
Filter Box
The ControlThe control can be covered as shown above, or
uncovered as shown at left. There is a pair of slots pro-
vided for each position. Simply move the cover to the
desired position by placing the tabs on the cover in the
proper slots.
Fig. 40
Fig. 41
blower cover
Shaker Handle
WARNIN G: Do not operat e w ith fire
chamber or ash removal doors open.
WARNING: Do n ot store fuel or other
combustible material within instal lation
clearance area.
CAUTION: Hot while in operati on. Do
not touc h. Ke ep c hild ren, clo thing ,
furniture, and other combustible material
out of the installation clearance area.