There are 16+1 rows in the web cluster menu. The top row, with the deep blue background,
indicates the master switch IP and cannot be modified. The other 16 rows, in a lighter blue
background, can be added with managed switches by clicking Add/Del Switches.
In the row, there is specific information about the managed switch: host names and their IPs. If
the host is a Web Cluster-supported switch, an asterisk (*) will appear before the host name. The
current managed switch will be highlighted in red on the menu. You can switch to another host
by clicking on it and the browser window will jump to its homepage.
Web Cluster setting
In this page, you can add or delete web cluster group members. There is a list in the “Web
Cluster Status” section, indicating the current group setting. Hosts in blue font are Web Cluster-
dd: Enter the IP and name of the switch to be added. If the switch is Web Cluster-supported,
lick the checkbox “Web Cluster Support”. The default setting is “Off”. After clicking Add, the
put host will be added to the “Web Cluster Status” list.
elete: In the “Web Cluster Status” list, click the Del checkbox for items to be removed. After
at, click Delete to refresh the list.
pply: When the list is confirmed, click Apply to submit. The web cluster menu list will be
pdated. The group information will be stored in the master switch.
Web Cluster-supported” indicates that, if the managed host is also a Web Cluster switch, the
aster switch will bypass the password authentication and suppress the “Web Cluster” item in the
anaged host’s main menu.