2. Compilation, Installation, and Startup
∙A 2.2.16 series (or later) Linux kernel source tree
∙An appropriate set of module utilities
∙gcc version 2.7.x or later
If you are building the ACP Modem driver along with the user space application, you need to have a complete Linux source tree for your kernel, not just an up−to−date kernel image.
2.2.Building and Installing Source
1.Use tar xzvf mwavem−yyyymmdd.tar.gz to unpack the distribution.
2.Change directories with cd mwavem−yyyymmdd
3.Use the ./configure command to configure the build options. Issue ./configure −−help to view all of the options. The defaults are probably okay though.
As of mwavem−1.0.3 you must give ./configure the −−enable−mwavedd argument in order to build the driver with the user space application.
4.Use the make command to build all of the ACP Modem binaries.
Your gcc package should be at least at the 2.7.x level. Check your /usr/src/linux/Documentation/Changes file for the minimum version information.
5.Use make install to install the mwavem binary, mwavem.conf configuration, the extra binary (mostly .dsp) files, and module device driver (if you specified that it must be built) and to create the
/dev/modems/mwave device node.
2.3.Setting Things Up
In the [WORLDTRADE] section of your mwavem.conf file, set the Country= parameter to your country access code.
The mwavem.conf file is installed in the /usr/local/etc directory unless you specified otherwise during the build process
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