(vollständige Anschrift der Firma - bei in der Gemeinschaft niedergelassenen Bevollmächtigten ebenfalls Angabe der Firma und Anschrift des Herstellers) (full address of company - where this concerns authorized agents within the Common Market, also state the company name and manufacturer)

(Adresse complète de la firme - en cas de mandataires établis dans la CEE, prière d'indiquer également la raison sociale et l'adresse du fabricant) (indirizzo completo della Società operante nell'ambito del mercato comune, indicazione della Società e indirizzo del Costruttore)

(dirección completa de la empresa, al tratarse del representante legal dentro de la comunidad, indiquese igualmente el nombre del fabricante) (volledig adres van de firma - bij een in de gemeenschap toegelaten gemachtigde eveneens de firma en het adres van de fabricant aangeven)

(direcção completa de empresa - no caso de representantes estabelecidos na comunidade indicar também o norme da empresa e a direcção do fabricante) (fullständig företagsadress - vid befullmäktigade samarbetspartner med säte inom EU uppges även tillverkarens företagsnamn och adress)

(Firmaets fullstendige adresse - såfremt representant finnes etablert i EU skal fabrikantens firmanavn og adresse opplyses) (fuldstændig firmaadresse - såfremt repræsentant findes etableret i EF skal fabrikantens firmanavn og adresse ligeledes oplyses) (Yhtiön täydellinen osoite - jos tämä koskee valtuutettua agenttia yhteisön alueelia, ilmoita myös yhtiön nimi ja valmistaja)

erklären in alleiniger Verantwortung, daû das Produkt declare in sole responsibility, that the product déclarons sous notre seule responsabilité que le produit dichiariamo sotto la nostra piena responsabilità che il prodotto declaramos bajo responsabilidad propia que el producto verklaren enig in verantwoording, dat het produkt declaramos com responsabilidade própria que o produto intygar med ensamansvar att nedanstående produkt erklñrer som eneansvarlig at produktet

erklñrer som eneansvarlig, at produktet ilmoitamme yksin vastaavamme, että tuote

40316x11B (CODE144S)

(Fabrikat, Typ) (Make, model) (Marque, modèle) (Marca, tipo) (Marca, modelo) (Fabricant, type) (Marca, modelo) (Fabrikat, typ) (Fabrikat, type) (Mærke, type) (Merkki, malli)

auf das sich diese Erklärung bezieht, den einschlägigen grundlegenden Sicherheits± und Gesundheitsanforderungen der Richtlinie 98/37/EC, (falls zutreffend) sowie den Anforderungen der anderen einschlägigen EG±Richtlinien entspricht

to which this certificate applies, conforms to the basic health and safety requirements of Directive 98/37/EC, (if applicable) and to the other relevant EEC Directives

faisant l'objet de la déclaration est conforme aux prescriptions fondamentales en matière de sécurité et de santé stipulées dans la Directive 98/37/CE, (le cas échéant) ainsi qu'aux prescriptions des autres Directives de la CEE établies dans ce domaine

cui la presente dichiarazione si riferisce, è conforme ai requisiti de Direttiva 98/37/CE in materia di sicurezza e sanità, (nel caso specifico) nonchè a quelli di altre direttive CE pertinenti

al cual se refiere la presente declaración corresponde a las exigencias básicas de la directiva 98/37/CE, referentes a la seguridad y a la sanidad, (en caso dado), asi como a las exigencias de las demás normativas de la CEE

waarop deze verklaring betrekking heeft, overeenkomt met de basiseisen van de richtlijn 98/37/EG m.b.t. veiligheid en gezondheid, (indien van toepassing) alsook met de eisen van de andere EG±richtijnen terzake geldig

a que se refere esta declaração corresponde às exigencias fundamentais respectivas à segurança e à saúde da Diretiva 98/37/CE (quando aplicável), assim como às exigencias das outras diretivas relevantes da C.E.E.

för vilket detta intyg gäller, uppfyller de grundläggande säkerhets± och hälsoskyddskraven enligt föreskrift 98/37/EC, (om tillämplig) samt uppfyller kraven enligt andra relevanta EU±föreskrifter

som denne erklñring vedrùrer, oppfyller de grunnleggende sikkerhets± og sunnhetskrav i direktivet 98/37/EC, (hvis relevant) samt kravene i andre relevante EU±direktiver

som denne erklñring vedrùrer, overholder de grundlñggende sikkerheds± og sunnhedskrav i direktiv 98/37/CE samt (hvis relevant), samt kravene i andre relevante EU±direktiver

johon tämä ilmoitus liittyy, vastaa direktiivissä 98/37/EY mainittuja perusturvallisuus± ja terveysvaatimuksia(soveltuvin osin) sekä muita siihen kuuluvia EY direktiivejä

89/336 EEC

(Titel und/oder Nummer sowie Ausgabedatum der anderen EG±Richtlinien) (Title and/or number and date of issue of the other EEC Directives)

(Titre et/ou numéro et date de publication des autres directives de la CEE) (Titolo e/o numero, data di promulgazione delle altre direttive CEE)

(Titulo y/o número asi como fecha de publicación de las demás normativas de la CEE) (Titel en/of nummer alsook datum van uitgave van de andere EG±richtlijnen)

(Título a/ou número assim como data de publicação das outras normas da C.E.E.) (Titel och/eller nummer samt publikationsdatum för övriga EU±normer)

(Titel og/eller nummer og utgave datum på de andre vedkommende EF±retningslinjene) (Titel og/eller nummer samt udgivelsesdato på de andre EF±direktiver)

(Otsikko ja/tai numero ja päiväys muista EY direktiiveistä)

(falls zutreffend)

(if applicable) (le cas échéant) (nel caso specifico) (en caso dado) (indien van toepassing) (em caso afirmativo)

(om tillämpligt)

(dersom dette tiltreffer) (hvis relevant) (soveltuvin oin)



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Hayter Mowers manual 89/336 EEC, 40316x11B CODE144S

CODE144S specifications

The Hayter Mowers CODE144S is a cutting-edge lawn mower designed for homeowners who demand efficiency, reliability, and superior performance in their gardening equipment. With its robust build and innovative technologies, the CODE144S has become a preferred choice among gardening enthusiasts and professionals alike.

One of the standout features of the CODE144S is its powerful 144cc four-stroke engine, which delivers consistent performance while maintaining fuel efficiency. This engine provides the necessary torque to tackle dense grass and challenging terrain, ensuring a clean and even cut every time. The mower is equipped with a self-propelled drive system that enhances ease of use, allowing users to cover large areas of lawn without excessive manual effort. The variable speed transmission enables operators to adjust their pace according to their comfort level and the mowing conditions.

The cutting deck of the CODE144S is designed for precision, featuring a robust steel construction that guarantees durability and stability. Measuring 46 cm in width, it allows for a swift mowing experience while also being compact enough to navigate tighter spaces in the garden. The mower boasts a six-height cutting adjustment system, ranging from 25mm to 75mm, giving users the versatility to achieve the desired grass length for their lawns.

For added convenience, the CODE144S is equipped with a user-friendly control panel, which offers easy access to the throttle and choke controls. Its lightweight yet sturdy frame contributes to maneuverability, making it hassle-free to transport and store. The ergonomic handle design also enhances comfort, reducing strain on the operator's hands during extended use.

Another notable characteristic of the CODE144S is its advanced grass collection system. The mower features a sizable 55-liter grass bag, which reduces the frequency of emptying while mowing and ensures a cleaner workspace. The bag is designed for easy removal and reattachment, allowing for quick disposal of grass clippings.

In summary, the Hayter Mowers CODE144S combines powerful engine performance, user-friendly features, and advanced cutting technology, making it an exceptional choice for those seeking a reliable and efficient lawn care solution. With its thoughtful design and high-quality components, it is an investment that promises outstanding results and durability, catering to the needs of any lawn care enthusiast.