ON/OFF will turn the

display on or off.


C.C. (Closed Caption) is for the program you are viewing.


TEXT is for additional information such as news reports or a TV program guide. This


information covers the entire screen and viewing the TV program is not possible. TEXT


may not be available with every



1 is used for the primary language (usually English).


2 is sometimes used for a second language (may vary by region).

Use CURSOR or to highlight the function to change then press CURSOR to change the function. Press EXIT to quit menu or CURSOR to return to previous menu.

NOTE: If you do not have sound, make sure MUTE is not set.


This function allows you to choose from three menu backgrounds.

Use CURSOR or to change MENU BACKGROUND setting.

Press EXIT to quit menu or CURSOR to return to previous menu.

Select CLEAR and no background is visible, select GRAY and a gray background is visible (no picture can be seen behind menu screen), select SHADED and a light background is visible.


This function introduces you to the First Time Tour Setup Feature, showing you basic TV functions as well as helping you set up your TV or Home Theater System. This feature will be displayed every time your TV is turned on, unless you set FIRST TIME TOUR to OFF.