Required Volume Capacity for each Emulation Type B-3

Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide

Minimum LDEV
Capacity Mi nimum Data
Area Capacity
Base Data Area
Control Information
Area Capacity
Figure B-1 Idea of LDEV Capacity
External Volume Mapped External
LDEVs of
Mapped External Volume
When the capacity of the external volume is 2,410,612,640 (Blocks), and
this external volume is mapped with OPEN-3 emulation type,
800,000,000 (Blocks) of the volume cannot be used, because the
maximum volume of the OPEN-3 i s 1,610,612,640 (Blocks).
nd 1,320,480 (Bloc ks) of the mapped exter nal volume becomes the
free space because the maximum number of LDEVs of base capacit
that can be defined with the OPEN-3 emulation type is 334. The free
space can be used if you set it using the VLL function.
3252864 (LBA)
301983744 (LBA)
334 LDEVs
4818240 (LBA)
200000000 (LBA)
1,320,480 (Blocks)
4,818,240 (Blocks)
800,000,000 (Blocks)
2,410,612,640 (Blocks)
1,610,612,640 (Blocks)
Figure B-2 Example of How to Figure Out the Volume Capacity (In the Case of OPEN-3)