3-2 Preparing for Universal Volume Manager Operations
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
System Requirements The system requirements for Universal Volume Manager are:
• USP V/VM storage system (First storage system)
All the necessary hardware and microcode required for Universal Volume
Manager operations must be installed and enabled. In this user's guide, the
first storage system is called “local storage system”.
• Storage system other than the first storage system
A second storage system must be available and operated as an external
storage system. The kinds of storage systems that can be used as an
external storage system include the Lightning 9900V series storage system,
the Thunder 9500V series storage system, the Lightning 9900C series
storage system, and other similar storage systems.
• USP V/VM Storage Navigator computer (user-supplied computer)
See the Storage Navigator User’s Guide for instructions on installing and
using the Storage Navigator computer.
Note: You must operate the Storage Navigator computer in Modify mode
to perform Universal Volume Manager operations. Users in View mode can
only view Universal Volume Manager information.
• License key for Universal Volume Manager program product
You need a license key to install Universal Volume Manager.
Storage Systems Supported as External Storage Systems
Supported storage systems that can be connected as the external storage
system are shown in the following table. The table includes information on how
those storage systems are referenced in this document and in the Universal
Volume Manager windows.
Table 3-1 Storage Systems Available as External Storage Systems
Storage System Note
Universal Storage
Platform V
Displayed by Universal Volume Manager as “USP V”.
Path Mode of the cross-subsystem paths will be Multi.
Universal Storage
Platform VM
Displayed by Universal Volume Manager as “USP VM”.
Path Mode of the cross-subsystem paths will be Multi.
TagmaStore Universal
Storage Platform
Displayed by Universal Volume Manager “USP”.
Path Mode of the cross-subsystem paths will be Multi.
TagmaStore Network
Storage Controller
Displayed by Universal Volume Manager as “NSC”.
Path Mode of the cross-subsystem paths will be Multi.