Acronyms and Abbreviati ons Acronyms-1
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Universal Volume Manager User’s Guide
Acronyms and Abbreviations
AMS adaptable modular storage
ATA Advanced Technology Attachment standard
CHA channel adapter
CV custom-sized volume
ESCON® Enterprise System Connection (IBM trademark for optical channels)
ExG external volume group
FICON fibre connection
GB gigabyte (see
Convention for Storage Capacity Values)
HDD hard disk drive
IBM® International Business Machines
KB kilobyte (see
Convention for Storage Capacity Values)
LDEV logical device
LDKC logical disk controller
LU logical unit
LUN logical unit number
MB megabyte (see
Convention for Storage Capacity Values)
MCU main control unit
MIH missing interrupt handler
OEM original equipment manufacturer
OLTR online transaction processing
PB petabyte (see
Convention for Storage Capacity Values)
PC personal computer
PCB printed circuit board
P-VOL primary volume
RCU remote control unit
SATA serial ATA
SIM service information message