World Scale
3-5 Using World Scale
There are several options available when weighing a product.
Review the following sections for explanation:
♦ Basic Weighing (WC30)
♦ Using Prices (WC30)
♦ Using Tare (WC30)
♦ Using the Add and Multiplier Keys (WC30)
♦ Programming PLU Speedkeys (WC30)
♦ Using the PLU Speedkeys (WC30)
♦ Using PLUs 8-30 (WC30)
♦ Using the Half- and Quarter-Pound Keys (X2/X4) (WC30)
Look At This
If this World Scale is to be used to weigh products for sale,
approval by your local Weights and Measures Inspector is
required before use.
Basic Weighing (WC30)
To weigh without a Unit Price, simply place the product on the
scale. The weight will be displayed. To include a Unit Price,
follow the steps under Using Prices (WC30). To include a Tare,
follow the steps under Using Tare (WC30).
Make sure the scale is at zero before weighing any product.
To use your WC30:
1. Place the product on the scale.
2. The weight will appear on the Operator
Display Screen.
3. Remove the product from the scale.