This product has been shipped completely assembled.
Carefully remove the product and any accessories from the box. Make sure that all items listed in the packing list are included.
packing list
Battery Charging Cable
Lubricant Bottle
Operator’s Manual
Do not use this product if it is not completely assembled or if any parts appear to be missing or damaged. Use of a product that is not properly and completely assembled could result in serious personal injury.
Inspect the unit carefully to make sure no damage oc- curred during shipping.
Do not discard the packing material until you have carefully inspected and satisfactorily operated the product.
If any parts are damaged or missing, please call
If any parts are damaged or missing do not operate this product until the parts are replaced. Use of this product with damaged or missing parts could result in serious personal injury.
Do not attempt to modify this product or create acces- sories not recommended for use with this product. Any such alteration or modification is misuse and could result in a hazardous condition leading to possible serious per- sonal injury.
Carbon Monoxide. Using a generator indoors can KILL YOU IN MINUTES.
Generator exhaust contains high levels of carbon mon- oxide (CO), a poisonous gas you cannot see or smell. If you can smell the generator exhaust, you are breathing CO. But even if you cannot smell the exhaust, you could be breathing CO.
Never use a generator inside homes, garages, crawl- spaces, or other partly enclosed areas. Deadly levels of carbon monoxide can build up in these areas. Us- ing a fan or opening windows and doors does NOT supply enough fresh air.
ONLY use a generator outdoors and far away from open windows, doors, and vents. These openings can pull in generator exhaust.
Even when you use a generator correctly, CO may leak into the home. ALWAYS use a
If you start to feel sick, dizzy, or weak after the generator has been running, move to fresh air RIGHT AWAY. See a doctor. You could have carbon monoxide poisoning.
Failure to properly ground generator can result in elec- trocution, especially if the generator is equipped with a wheel kit. National Electric Code requires generator to be properly grounded to an approved earth ground. Call an electrician for local grounding requirements.
Do not allow familiarity with this product to make you careless. Remember that a careless fraction of a second is sufficient to inflict serious injury.
Do not use any attachments or accessories not recommended by the manufacturer of this product. The use of attachments or accessories not recommended can result in serious personal injury.