Precautionary Notes
Do not lower the edge of the bucket too low
for loading. Keep the bottom of the bucket
level with the ground when loading.
1-j Do not use bucket for pushing
down material with bucket cylinders
partially extended. Damage to the
cylinders may result.
Do not tip bucket cutting edge down (fully
extend bucket cylinders) during
bacMilling/backgrading operation.
Operation with front tractor wheels off the
ground is not recommended.
Position vehicles to be loaded as near the pile
as possible and in such a direction as to
minimize the amount of tractor turning
required to dump.
Do not lowerthe loaderwith the tractor engine
shut off.
Keep the unit clean and perform regular
service. Observe safety instructions
whenever cleaning, servicing, or lubricating.
We urge you to follow this advice:
Read and understand this manual as well
as the Tractor Owner’s Manual.
Remember and observe the Safety
Precautions brought to your attention in this
manual, the tractor manual and on the
machinery itself.
Use good common sense in the everyday
operation of this unit. Safety
recommendations can never be
all-inclusive. You are responsible for
watching out for, and avoiding, unsafe
Never exceed the limits of a piece of
.machinery. If its ability to do a job safely is
in question - Don’t try it.
Don’t hurry the learning process or take the
unit for granted. Ease into it and become
familiar with your’new loader and tractor.
When lowering a heavy load, ease it
downward slowly. Never drop a loaded
attachment and ‘catch” hydraulically.
Stopping a load after it has gained downward
momentum places undue strain on the unit
and may cause unnecessary damage to the
loader or tractor or even worse, personal
m Escaping hydraulic oil under
Dressure can have sufficient force to
aenetrate the skin causing serious
Dersonal injury. If injured by escaping
lydraulic oil, consult a physician
mmediately. Oil must be surgically
Pemoved within a few hours by a doctor
iamiliar with this type of injury or gangrene
nay result. Before disconnecting
hydraulic lines, relieve .all hydraulic
pressure by operating hydraulic control
lever through all positions with engine off.
-A sudden line burst can
L -
cause the mainframe to drop suddenly,
causing damage to the tractor or loader or
injury to personnel. Do not operate the
loader if the fittings are leaking or if the
hoses are damaged.
Cold Weather Operation
To assure smooth operation in cold weather,
allow tractor to warm up. SLOWLY cycle the
loader and attachment several times to warm
the fluid in the hydraulic system. The loader
may operate erratically until the hydraulic fluid
has warmed to operating temperatures.