FUSION DVR Digital Recording and Transmission System
Steps 1-8: Schedule cameras 1 and 2 to be activated on Sensor # 3 and/or
Sensor #5 which will then activate Relay Output #7 and #13.
1. Select Sch01 from the Schedule Number drop down list.
(This should already be selected by default.)
2. Select the Single Day Selection button, then select Yes.
3. Place a check in the boxes for SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, and SAT days
of the week.
4. On the Sch01 line (time selector grid), highlight the hours 00-23 and press Set.
5. Press Camera buttons #1 and #2 until the Red Sensor buttons are selected.
6. Press Sensor buttons #3 and #5.
7. Press Relay buttons #7 and #13.
8. Press Apply to save.