Installation Instructions
69-2157EFS—05 8
NOTE: The detector can be configured to work with either a Chime or a Switching
ReceiverinDayorNightmode.Itcannot workwithboth.
• Markthepositionofthefixingholesand drilltwo6mmholes,theninsertthe
wallplugs(supplied).Iffixingtonon-solidor woodsurfacethewallplugswillnot
be needed and only a small pilot hole will be required.
• Clipa9VPP3(6LR61)Alkalinebatteryto theconnectorandfitthebatteryinits
NOTE: When the battery is connected the LED behind the detector lens will continu-
ouslyflashorstayONwhilethedetector goesthroughits
warm up cycle. The unit will not operate normally until the
LED stops flashing.
• Fixtheunitinplaceonthewall andthenclosethe
cover ensuring it clicks fully closed.
• Adjustthesensorheadtopointinapproximatelythe
desired direction.
Fig. 4
69-2157EFS_C.indd 8 9/22/2008 11:54:00 AM