5 69-2157EFS—05
Installing the Motion Detector
Positioning the Motion Detector
• PlacethedetectorwithinrangeoftheReceiver,takingintoconsiderationany
reductioninthemaximumrange(rangedependsontypes ofreceiversused)
caused by any objects in between. Avoid mounting the unit on or near large
metal objects.
• Therecommendedmountingheightforthedetectoris8 ft.Atthisheight,the
motion detector will have a range of approximately 40 ft. Mounting the detector
higher will increase the detection range but it will be less sensitive to movement
at the extreme range and also may not be able to detect movement very close to
it. Tilting the detector head up and down will have the same effect.
• Mountthedetectoronafirmstable surfacewherethelogicalpathofaperson
would cut across the detection pattern. The detector is more sensitive to
movement across its detection pattern than to movement directly towards it.
69-2157EFS_C.indd 5 9/22/2008 11:53:56 AM