Installation Instructions
69-2157EFS—05 4
Device Range
Thequotedrangeofthesystemismeasuredin idealconditions.Anybarrier(e.g.
walls/ceilingsaluminiumreinforcedUPVCwindowsandmetallicpartsofhouse struc-
turesetc)betweenthedetectorandreceiverwillreducethe effectiveradiorangeby
an amount dependant upon the construction of and number of barriers between the
detector and receiver.
In extreme cases where metal barriers are involved then it is possible for the signal to
be blocked out completely.
While the majority of installations are not adversely affected, you may have to experi-
ment a little to discover the best location for your detector and Receiver Unit.
69-2157EFS_C.indd 4 9/22/2008 11:53:56 AM