Installation Instructions
69-2157EFS—05 16
TheDUSKcontroldetermineshowdarkitneedsto bebeforedetectedmovementwill
trigger the controlled lights and can be set as follows:
2)TurntheDUSK controlknobtothe setting and wait until darkness falls.
3)When theambientlightlevelreachesthelevelat whichyouwishthelightsto
turnon(i.e.atdusk),SLOWLYturnthecontrolinaclockwise directiontowards
the markuntilmovementcausesthelight(s)toilluminate.Leave thecontrol
set at this point.
4)The motiondetectorwillbecomeoperativeatapproximatelythe samelevelof
darkness each evening. Observe the operation of the unit over several nights to
ensure it is set as required and adjust as necessary. If the unit activates too early
(i.e.whenitistoolight),turnthe controlslightlytowardsthe mark. If the unit
activatestoolate(i.e.whenitistoo dark),turnthecontrolslightlytowardsthe
69-2157EFS_C.indd 16 9/22/2008 11:54:04 AM