Your elliptical trainer has a pair oftransport wheels built into the front of the frame. With the tread-
mill in the folded position and bracing one foot against the front foot tube,carefully pull back on the
console mast and roll the elliptical to the desired position.
CAUTION!Our elliptical trainers are well built and heavy, weighing up to 200lbs.! Use care and
additional help if necessary when moving.


Your elliptical trainer has a variety offoot positions to offer a variance in your workout routine and
to strengthen and train a wider range ofleg muscles. To adjust the position of your foot pad, remove
the four screws that attach the foot pad to the pedal arm and move the foot pad to the desired
position. Your elliptical trainer also allows you to pedal both forward and backwards to allow you
to focus on other muscle groups such as hamstring and calves.When using your elliptical trainer, you
may notice that your heel raises offof the foot pad. This is a natural walking or running motion and
you should not try to prevent this.
Always consult your physician before beginning an exercise program.


The American Heart Association recommends that you exercise at least 3 to 4 days per week to main-
tain cardiovascular fitness.If you have other goals such as weight or fat loss,you will achieve your
goal faster with more frequent exercise.Whether it’s 3 days or 6 days, remember that your ultimate
goal should be to make exercise a lifetime habit.Many people are successful staying with a fitness
program ifthey set aside a specific time of day to exercise. It doesn’t matter whether it’s in the morn-
ing before your shower,during lunch hour or while watching the evening news. What’s more impor-
tant is that it’s a time that allows you to keep a schedule,and a time when you won’t be interrupted.
If you are to be successful with your fitness program,you have to make it a priority in your life. So
decide on a time,pull out your day planner and pencil in your exercise times for the next month!


For aerobic exercise benefits,it’s recommended that you exercise from between 24 and 32 minutes
per session. But start slowly and gradually increase your exercise times.If you’ve been sedentary
during the past year,it may be a good idea to keep your exercise times to as little as five minutes
initially.Your body will need time to adjust to the new activity. If your goal is weight loss, a longer
exercise session at lower intensities has been found to be most effective.A workout time of 48 min-
utes or more is recommended for best weight loss results.
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