fiiaterial | Safe |
| Exceptions (not safe) |
Aiumimim | YES |
| Somecoloredanodized |
| aluminumcan fade. |
China/ | YES |
| |
Stoneware |
| |
| patternsfade. |
| Goldleafwilldiscolor. |
Crysta? | YES |
| |
| |
| Goldleaf willdiscolor. |
NO |
| |
| |
as electronic |
air cleaner |
filters, furnace |
filters, paint |
brushes, etc. |
Glass | YES |
| Milkglassmayyellow. |
Iron | NO |
| Ironwillrust. |
Pewter | NO |
| Pewtertarnishes. |
Plastics | YES |
Stainlesssteel | YES |
Sterling Silver | YES |
| Don’tp~ltin samesilverware |
and Silver |
| basketwithstainlesssteel. |
plate |
| Contactbetweenmetalscan |
| damagesilver. |
| Don’tuse copperutensilsin |
| the sameload.Silvermaygeta |
| brownfilm. |
| Adhesiveusedto attachsome |
| |
| |
coatings |
mrl | NO | - | Tincan rust. |
wood | NO |
| Woodcan warp,crackor lose |
| its finishwithanytypewashing. |
Special Instructions
“Somedarkeningor spottingpossible.Removeby
If in doubt,checkwiththe manufacturerOr. testwash onepiecedailyforat leasta month.Comparewiththe restoftheset.
Loadsecurelyto preventmovement.
Donotwashin dishwasherDamagetodishwasher. anddiscolorationor stainingofdishwashermayresult.
If it doesn’tsayDISHWASHERSAFE,testonepiece beforedishwashingan entireset. Washin toprackonly.
Rinseif notwashingimmediatelySaltyor. acidfoodscan ‘stainif Iefion.
Fo~et a dish?Here’sWhen
yell can add it,
Adddishesanytimeduringa WNSE & HOLD cycle.Withother washcycles,youcan adddishesat anytimeBEFOREthe maindeter- gentwashportionof thecycle.
However,openingthedoor during any cyclelessenscleaningpower. So try to loadeverythingat the beginning.
Here’showto add a forgottendish:
1.Pushthe door latchto the Iefi. Washingwill stop.
2.Waita fewsecondsuntilthe
watercalms.Thenopenthe door,
4.Closethe doorand pushthe latchto the far right. Whenthe door is locked,washingwill continue.