Product is Drying Out | Check the relative humidity in the store. |
Water on the Floor | Check that all of the hoses are connected. |
| Check that the drain trap is free of debris. |
| Is the evaporator pan positioned correctly under drain. |
| Is the evaporator pan plugged in and heating properly. |
Excessive Fan Noise | Check that the case is aligned, level and plumb. |
| Check that nothing is obstructing the blade rotation. |
| Check that the fan shroud is properly secured. |
System is not Operating | Check that the utility power is on. |
| Check that the MAIN power switch is on. |
| Check the circuit breaker box for tripped circuits. |
Fans Not Working | Check that the fans are plugged in at the fan shroud. |
| Determine if there is ice build up blocking the fan. |
Case Lights Not Working | Check bulbs for proper installation and connection. |
| Check for burned out bulbs. |
| Clean dirt and dust from the bulbs to prevent flickering. |
Not Holding Temperature | Check that the coil fans are working. |
| Check that the discharge air is not disrupted or blocked by |
| product. |
| If a large amount of warm product was added to the case, it will |
| take time for the temperature to adjust. |
| Check the coil for ice build up. |
| Check that the condenser coil is clean (self contained unit). |
| Check that the case is not in the sun or near a heat or air- |
| conditioning vent. |
| Case temperature will rise during defrost mode but will return |
| to normal. Proper product temperature will be maintained. |
| Is case located near front doors. |
Condensing Unit Not Operat- Check that the power is turned on. | |
ing (self contained unit). |
| R |
| 888 Porter Rd. Muskegon, MI 49441 Phone: 231.798.8888 Fax: 231.798.4960 www.structuralconcepts.com |