13 Align the print cartridges
a Press OK at each of the prompts on the control panel to start print cartridge alignment.
The alignment may take a few minutes.
b After the page prints, alignment is complete. Check the display for the status, and then press OK. If it fails, see Troubleshooting in the last section.
Recycle or discard the alignment page.
If you are not connecting the device to a computer, continue to the User Guide for information on how to get started.
14 Turn on your computer
a Turn on your computer, login if necessary, and then wait for the desktop to appear.
b Close any open programs.
15 Insert the correct3CD
Windows Users:
a Insert the HP
Windows CD.
b Follow the onscreen instructions.
If the startup screen does not appear,
Macintosh Users:
Insert the HP
5 • HP