HP 2500CP manual D12 Image Quality, D13 Printhead ID, D14 Printhead Continuity, D15 Clean Roller

Models: 2500CP

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D12￿ Image Quality

P.+po,￿ 3 T￿,- -"￿ #m￿!￿ q.￿l#-y ￿--+#￿.-￿, o -"￿ p+#n-￿+.

I￿ -￿+ ￿l#!n#n! -"￿ P+#n-"￿￿￿,, •B￿￿ P+#n-"￿￿￿ Al#!nm￿n-" #, ￿#,pl￿y￿￿ 3 T+y +￿￿o/￿+#n! -"￿ p+#n-"￿￿￿, .,#n! -"￿ +on-3p￿n￿l m￿n.. C"￿￿k -"￿ ￿l#!nm￿n- p￿--￿+n -o ￿"￿￿k # ￿ny o -"￿ ￿olo+, ￿+￿ p+#n-￿￿ ￿￿￿ly. I ￿ ￿olo+ #, p+#n-#n! ￿￿￿ly -"￿n +￿pl￿￿￿ -"￿ ￿ompl￿-￿ Ink D￿l#/￿+y Sy,-￿m o -"￿ ￿olo+ -"￿- #, ￿￿￿. P￿+ o+m -"￿ L#n￿ S￿n,o+ ￿￿l#￿+￿-#on. R￿pl￿￿￿ -"￿ l￿n, ￿o/￿+  U,￿+, G.#￿￿, C"￿p-￿+ 10 (L￿n, M￿#n-￿n￿n￿￿). C"￿￿k # -"￿ L#n￿ S￿n,o+ #, #n,-￿ll￿￿/￿onn￿￿-￿￿ ￿o++￿￿-ly. P￿+ o+m -"￿ L#n￿ S￿n,o+ T￿,-. P￿+ o+m -"￿ El￿￿-+on#￿, T￿,-.

I-"￿ /￿l.￿, o -"￿ P+#n-"￿￿￿, ￿+￿ between -1￿0 and +1￿0 o+ ￿ny o -"￿ P+#n-"￿￿￿, -"￿n

-"￿ -￿,- "￿, passed.

I-"￿ /￿l.￿, o -"￿ P+#n-"￿￿￿, ￿+￿ NOT between -1￿0 and +1￿0 o+ ￿ny o -"￿ P+#n-"￿￿￿, -"￿n -"￿ -￿,- "￿, failed 3 P￿+ o+m -"￿ P+#n-"￿￿￿ Al#!nm￿n- C￿l#￿+￿-#on. P￿+ o+m -"￿ L#n￿ S￿n,o+ ￿￿l#￿+￿-#on. R￿pl￿￿￿ -"￿ l￿n, ￿o/￿+  U,￿+, G.#￿￿, C"￿p-￿+ 10 (L￿n, M￿#n-￿n￿n￿￿). P￿+ o+m -"￿ El￿￿-+on#￿, -￿,-. C"￿￿k # -"￿ M￿￿#￿ .,￿￿ #, ,.#-￿￿l￿ o+ -"￿ p+#n-￿+. C"￿￿k # -"￿ L#n￿ S￿n,o+ #, #n,-￿ll￿￿/￿onn￿￿-￿￿ ￿o++￿￿-ly. R￿pl￿￿￿ -"￿ L#n￿ S￿n,o+.

D13￿ Printhead ID

P.+po,￿ 3 C"￿￿k -"￿ ￿￿ ￿.l- ,￿--#n!, o -"￿ p+#n-"￿￿￿,. ID 200000 #, o+ #nk, o+ #m￿!#n! ￿n￿ ID 220000 #, o+ UV D.+￿￿l￿ Ink,.

T"#, -￿,- #, o+ #n o+m￿-#on only 0"#￿" m#!"- ￿￿ +￿q.￿,-￿￿ #n -"￿ ￿/￿n- o ￿n ￿,￿￿l￿-#on.

D14￿ Printhead Continuity

P.+po,￿ 3 C"￿￿k -"￿ p+#m#-#/￿, ￿n￿ ￿￿￿+￿,, m￿p, o -"￿ p+#n-"￿￿￿,.

T"￿ /￿l.￿, ,"o0n o+ ￿ll P+#n-"￿￿￿, ,"o.l￿ ￿￿ 0. I ￿ ￿# ￿+￿n- /￿l.￿ #, ,"o0n -"￿n -"￿- P+#n-"￿￿￿ "￿, ￿ ￿on-#n.#-y p+o￿l￿m. T+y -"￿ ollo0#n!:

1DO NOT replace any parts. This will cause extra problems. Remove the Printheads and clean the flex contacts on the Carriage and the Printheads. Reseat the Printheads and try the test again.

2Even if one of the Printheads failed the Printhead Continuity test, you must remove all the Printheads from the Carriage and try installing them one by one. Before installing each Printhead, check the continuity of all four Printheads. The front/panel should display a 3ffff / 3fff result for each Printhead that is not inserted and the original values ￿the value that was displayed before the Printhead was removed￿ for the Printheads when they are inserted. If you get a value that is different than 3ffff / 3fff when the Printheads are removed then you must perform step 1 again. If you get the same results after repeating step 1, then the carriage is damaged. Replace the Carriage Assembly. When you insert each Printhead, the values should change only for that Printhead. If the values of other Printheads also change, then the problem is the Printhead itself and not the actual Printer. In this case you must replace the complete Ink Delivery System of the color that failed.

3If you continue getting the original value ￿the value that was displayed before the Printhead was first removed￿ then you must replace the complete Ink Delivery System of the color that failed and try the test again.

4 As a last resort, replace Carriage Assembly.

D15￿ Clean Roller

P.+po,￿ 3 To +o-￿-￿ -"￿ D+#/￿ Roll￿+ 0"￿n #- +￿q.#+￿, ￿l￿￿n#n!.

HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers

Quick Reference Service Manual 11

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HP 2500CP manual D12 Image Quality, D13 Printhead ID, D14 Printhead Continuity, D15 Clean Roller