System Error: ￿2￿￿￿￿ 6 Check the Service Station Interconnect Cable￿ Check cables for the Primer Stepper Motor and Sensor￿ Check that the air tubes that are connected between the primer assembly and the service station are in the correct position and are not squeezed together￿ Check that the Primer Stepper Motor is NOT shorted￿ Replace Service Station interconnect cable￿ Replace Primer Assembly￿ Replace Service Station Assembly￿ Replace Electronics Module￿

System Error: ￿2￿￿￿￿ 6 Check if the ink cartridges are installed correctly on the Elevator and that there are no obstacles in the way￿ Check￿replace the Refill Interconnect Cable￿ Check cables for the Elevator Stepper Motor and Sensor￿ Check that the Elevator Stepper Motor is NOT shorted￿ Replace Refill Interconnect PCA￿ Replace Elevator Assembly￿ Replace Electronics Module￿

System Error: ￿2￿￿￿2 6 Check￿replace Refill Interconnect Cable￿ Check Refill Stepper Motor and Sensor cables￿ Check that the Refill stepper motor is NOT shorted￿ Replace Refill Interconnect PCA￿ Replace Refill Assembly￿ Replace Electronics Module￿

System Error: ￿2￿￿￿3 6 Perform the Refill Calibration￿ Check for obstacles in the Refill path￿ Check￿replace Refill Interconnect Cable￿ Check the cables for the Refill Stepper Motor and Sensor￿ Check that the Refill stepper motor is NOT shorted￿ Replace Refill Interconnect PCA￿ Replace Refill Assembly￿ Replace Electronics Module￿

System Error: ￿2￿￿￿4 6 Perform the Service Station Calibration￿ Check that the Service Station flag is installed correctly￿ Check that the Service Station nut is installed correctly￿ The nut is located on the front side of the Service Station￿ just below the Printhead Cleaner holder￿ Check￿replace the Service Station Interconnect Cable￿ Check cables for the Service Station components￿ Check that the Service Station stepper motors are NOT shorted￿ Replace Service Station Assembly￿ Replace Electronics Module￿

System Error: ￿2￿￿￿5 6 Check if the ink cartridges are installed correctly on the Elevator and that there are no obstacles in the way￿ Check￿replace Refill Interconnect Cable￿ Check cables for the Elevator Stepper Motor and Sensor￿ Check that the Elevator stepper motor is NOT shorted￿ Replace Refill Interconnect PCA￿ Replace Elevator Assembly￿ Replace Electronics Module￿

System Error: ￿2￿￿￿6 6 Perform Refill Calibration￿

System Error: ￿2￿￿￿￿ 6 Switch the printer OFF and ON again and check if the error code disappears￿ If the error code disappears￿ do NOT try to troubleshoot any further￿ Check that the Encoder Strip is NOT damaged or dirty￿ If necessary￿ clean the encoder strip￿ or if damaged￿ replace the Encoder Strip￿ Clean and lubricate the slider rods￿ Replace Y6axis Motor Assembly￿ Replace Tensioner Holder Assembly ￿with spring￿￿ Replace Y6axis belt￿ Replace Carriage Assembly￿

System Error: ￿2￿￿￿￿ 6 Refer to Error Code ￿2￿￿￿￿￿

6 Quick Reference Service Manual

HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers

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HP manual HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers