
Options (Continued)




The number format mode you set is the


number format used in both HOME


and the current aplet.


Standard. Full-precision display.


Fixed. Displays results rounded to a


number of decimal places. Example:


123.456789 becomes 123.46 in


Fixed 2 format.


Scientific. Displays results with an


exponent, one digit to the left of the


decimal point, and the specified


number of decimal places. Example:


123.456789 becomes 1.23E2 in


Scientific 2 format.


Engineering. Displays result with an


exponent that is a multiple of 3, and


the specified number of significant


digits beyond the first one. Example:


123.456E7 becomes 1.23E9 in


Engineering 2 format.


Fraction. Displays results as fractions


based on the specified number of


decimal places. Examples:


123.456789 becomes 123 in


Fraction 2 format, and .333 becomes


1/3 and 0.142857 becomes 1/7.


See “Using fractions” on page 1-25.


Dot or Comma. Displays a number


as 12456.98 (Dot mode) or as


12456,98 (Comma mode). Dot mode


uses commas to separate elements in


lists and matrices, and to separate


function arguments. Comma mode


uses periods (dot) as separators in


these contexts.



Getting started
