Algebraic precedence order of evaluation
Largest and smallest numbers
Clearing numbers
Using previous results
Functions within an expression are evaluated in the following order of precedence. Functions with the same precedence are evaluated in order from left to right.
1.Expressions within parentheses. Nested parentheses are evaluated from inner to outer.
2.Prefix functions, such as SIN and LOG.
3.Postfix functions, such as !
4.Power function, ^, NTHROOT.
5.Negation, multiplication, and division.
6.Addition and subtraction.
7.AND and NOT.
8.OR and XOR.
9.Left argument of (where).
10.Equals, =.
The smallest number the hp 39g+ can represent is
1 ×
• clears the character under the cursor. When the cursor is positioned after the last character,
deletes the character to the left of the cursor, that is, it performs the same as a backspace key.
•CANCEL () clears the edit line.
• CLEAR clears all input and output in the display, including the display history.
The HOME display () shows you four lines of input/output history. An unlimited (except by memory) number of previous lines can be displayed by scrolling. You can retrieve and reuse any of these values or expressions.
Last input
Edit line
Last output
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