The physical constants are:
Category | Available Name | |
Chemist | • | Avogadro (Avogadro’s Number, |
| NA) |
| • Boltz. (Boltmann, k) | |
| • mol. vo... (molar volume, Vm) | |
| • | univ gas (universal gas, R) |
| • | std temp (standard temperature, |
| St dT) |
| • | std pres (standard pressure, |
| St dP) |
Phyics | • | StefBolt |
| • | light s... (speed of light, c) |
| • | permitti (permittivity, ε0) |
| • | permeab (permeability, μ0) |
| • | acce gr... (acceleration of |
| gravity, g) |
| • gravita... (gravitation, G) | |
Quantum | • | Plank’s (Plank’s constant, h) |
| • | Dirac’s (Dirac’s, hbar) |
| • | e charge (electronic charge, q) |
| • | e mass (electron mass, me) |
| • | q/me ra... (q/me ratio, qme) |
| • | proton m (proton mass, mp) |
| • | mp/me r... (mp/me ratio, |
| mpme) |
| • | fine str (fine structure, α) |
| • | mag flux (magnetic flux, φ) |
| • | Faraday (Faraday, F) |
| • | Rydberg (Rydberg, R∞ ) |
| • | Bohr rad (Bohr radius, a0) |
| • | Bohr mag (Bohr magneton, μB) |
| • | nuc. mag (nuclear magneton, |
| μN) |
| • photon... (photon wavelength, | |
| λ) |
| • photon... (photon frequency, | |
| f0) |
| • | Compt w... (Compton |
| wavelength, λc) |