Plot view settings
The plot view settings are:
Field | Meaning |
XRNG, YRNG | Specifies the minimum and |
| maximum horizontal (X) and |
| vertical (Y) values for the plotting |
| window. |
RES | For function plots: Resolution; |
| “Faster” plots in alternate pixel |
| columns; “Detail” plots in every |
| pixel column. |
TRNG | Parametric aplet: Specifies the t- |
| values (T) for the graph. |
θRNG | Polar aplet: Specifies the angle (θ) |
| value range for the graph. |
NRNG | Sequence aplet: Specifies the |
| index (N) values for the graph. |
TSTEP | For Parametric plots: the increment |
| for the independent variable. |
θSTEP | For Polar plots: the increment |
| value for the independent |
| variable. |
SEQPLOT | For Sequence aplet: Stairstep or |
| Cobweb types. |
XTICK | Horizontal spacing for tickmarks. |
YTICK | Vertical spacing for tickmarks. |
Those items with space for a checkmark are settings you
can turn on or off. Press to display the second page.
Field | Meaning |
SIMULT | If more than one relation is being |
| plotted, plots them simultaneously |
| (otherwise sequentially). |
INV. CROSS | Cursor crosshairs invert the status |
| of the pixels they cover. |
Aplets and their views |