Linear Solver aplet

About the Linear Solver aplet

The Linear Solver aplet allows you to solve a set of Linear Equations. The set can contain two or three linear equations.

In a two-equation set, each equation must be in the form ax + by = k . In a three-equation set, each equation must be in the form ax + by + cz = k .

You provide values for a, b, and k (and c in three- equation sets) for each equation, and the Linear Solver aplet will attempt to solve for x and y (and z in three- equation sets).

The hp39gs will alert you if no solution can be found, or if there is an infinite number of solutions.

Note that the Linear Solver aplet only has a numeric view.

Getting started with the Linear Solver aplet
Open the Linear Solver aplet

The following example defines a set of three equations and then solves for the unknown variables.

1. Open the Linear Sequence aplet.

Select Linear


The Linear Equation

Solver opens.

Linear Solver aplet
