singular value decomposition 15-13

singular values 15-13size 15-12spectral norm 15-13spectral radius 15-13start Matrix Editor 18-24storing elements 15-3,15-5storing matrix elements 15-6swap column 18-25

swap row 18-25transposing 15-13,15-14variables 15-1

matrix functions 15-10COLNORM 15-10COND 15-11CROSS 15-11DET 15-11

DOT 15-11EIGENVAL 15-11EIGENVV 15-11IDENMAT 15-11INVERSE 15-11LQ 15-11

LSQ 15-11

LU 15-12MAKEMAT 15-12QR 15-12RANK 15-12ROWNORM 15-12RREF 15-12SCHUR 15-12SIZE 15-12SPECNORM 15-13SPECRAD 15-13SVD 15-13

SVL 15-13TRACE 15-13TRN 15-13

maximum real number 1-22,13-8memory R-18

clearing all R-3organizing 14-9out of R-19saving 1-25,19-1viewing 14-1

menu lists searching 1-8

minimum real number 13-8mixed fraction format 1-11modes

angle measure 1-10decimal mark 1-11number format 1-10

multiple solutions plotting to find 7-7

multiplication 13-3implied 1-20


name conflict R-19naming

programs 18-4

natural exponential 13-3,13-10natural log plus 1 13-10natural logarithm 13-3negation 13-5

negative numbers 1-20

no equations checked R-19

Normal Z-distribution, confidence intervals 11-15


copying 17-8editing 17-2importing 17-8printing 18-26viewing 17-1writing 17-1

Notepad 17-1catalog keys 17-7creating notes 17-6writing in 17-6

nrng 2-6

nth root 13-6

null hypothesis 11-2number format

engineering 1-11fixed 1-10fraction 1-11

in Solve aplet 7-5mixed fraction 1-11scientific 1-10Standard 1-10

numeric precision 14-9Numeric view

adding values 2-18automatic 2-16

build your own table 2-19display defining function for column 2-17
