Chapter 9 Troubleshooting 99














HP Jornada automatically

Power is too low to run the Pocket PC.



shuts down/suspends.

When a critically low power condition is




encountered, the HP Jornada initiates a




safety shutdown. Connect to ac power and




charge the battery.








Auto-suspend activated. To conserve




power, the HP Jornada auto-suspends if it is




idle for 1 minute immediately after power is




turned on. It also auto-suspends if it is




continuously idle for 3 minutes.








HP Jornada is locked up. Connect to




external power, and reset your HP Jornada.




(See “Resetting your HP Jornada” in this




chapter.) (Caution: You may lose any




unsaved data when resetting.)







HP Jornada locks up when

HP Jornada is locked up. Connect to ac



running applications, or it

power, and reset. (See “Resetting your HP



runs slowly.

Jornada” in this chapter.) Note: Check to




ensure that the device is not running low on




power, and avoid running several




applications at the same time. Use HP task




switcher to close applications that are not in











HP Jornada does not turn

The display contrast and brightness are too



on or display appears to be

low. Use HP settings to adjust contrast and



off, even though power is

brightness for optimal viewing. (Refer to




“Adjusting settings” in chapter 5.)




Use HP settings to choose Outdoor in very




bright light and Low Power in very dark




conditions. (Refer to “Adjusting settings” in




chapter 5.)








The device has been reset. After a reset, the




screen remains blank for approximately 3




seconds after pressing the On/Off button.