Warranty 111
This HP product contains preinstalled software programs. Please read the HP Software Product License Agreement before proceeding.
Important: Carefully read this License Agreement and the Limited Warranty statement before operating the equipment. The rights to the software are licensed, not sold. HP or its licensors continue to own all intellectual property rights to the software, and you will be granted certain rights to use the software upon your acceptance of this license. Rights in the software are offered only on the condition that you agree to all terms and conditions of the License Agreement. Operating the equipment indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of the License Agreement, return the complete package for a full refund now.
+36RIWZDUH3URGXFW/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQWThe HP Software Product License Agreement shall govern the use of all software that is provided to you, the customer, as part of this HP product with the exception of Microsoft Software. Microsoft Products are licensed to you under the Microsoft End User License Agreement (EULA) contained in the Microsoft documentation. Any
The following License Terms govern the use of the software:
You may only use the software on a single computer. You may not reverse, assemble, or decompile the software.
Transaction in European Union member states: The prohibition against decompilation shall be subject to Directive 91/250/EEC.
You may make copies or adaptations of the software (a) for archival purposes, or (b) when copying or adaptation is an essential step in the use of the software with a computer so long as the copies and adaptations are used in no other manner.
You have no other rights to copy unless you acquire an appropriate license to reproduce which is available from HP for some software.