
Create an envelope

Select envelopes

Rename an envelope

Delete an envelope

Move envelopes into a folder

Create folder

Rename a folder

Delete a folder

Open a file

Do this

Tap the New icon and fill in the New Expense Report Envelope window. See Entering expenses.

Tap the envelope, or use the arrow keys to highlight the envelope.

Select the envelope. Tap the info button to bring up the Envelope Info window. Type a new envelope name.

Select the envelope to delete. From the Edit menu, choose Delete Envelope (or press Delete). Confirm that you want to delete the envelope.

Important: Deleting an envelope from the Envelopes window is permanaent and cannot be undone.

Select the envelope to move. To move an envelope, drag it to the folder you want to move it to.

From the File mennu, choose New and then choose New Folder. Type a name for the folder and tap OK.

Select the folder. From the Edit menu choose Rename Folder. Type a new name in the Rename Folder window.

Select the folder. From the Edit menu choose Delete Folder. Confirm that you want to delte the folder and all the envelopes in it contains.

Important: Deleting a folder permanently deletes the envelopes in the folder as well as the folder.

From the File menu, choose Open. Choose the name of the file you want fromthe file list, and then tap OK. ExpensAble automatically saves and closes the current
