Messages in the Outbox are sent.

Messages you’ve previously received and marked “copy” or “move” are downloaded from the server to the Inbox folder or the selected destination folder, as described later in “Retrieving messages from the server.”

The Inbox is updated to display any new message headers.

If you selected Automatically disconnect when you set up the connection, the dial-up connection will be disconnected from the service when the above actions are completed.

When you disconnect, messages you marked “delete” are deleted both from the service and from Inbox unless you have selected other options for deleted items, as described later in “Working in the message list.”

To disconnect from a service

Tap the connect/disconnect button on the toolbar, if you have not selected the automatic disconnect option or go to Service and tap Disconnect.

Choosing to work online or offline

When you connect to an Internet mail service or to your Exchange or Outlook mail box, Inbox downloads only the headers of new messages to the Inbox folder, by default. The original messages remain on the mail server.

You can work in Inbox online, which means that you read and respond to messages while connected to the server. Or, you can disconnect from the server and work offline.

Working online in Inbox is very much like working in a LAN-based email program. You can read, reply to, or forward messages (which are stored on the

server), and the messages are immediately sent from the Outbox. This saves storage space on your palmtop PC, since you are only downloading the message headers. While connected, Inbox may check for new mail periodically, depending on the service options you select. You can also update the message list by tapping Refresh on the Service menu.
