faster printing,and forms support that speeds up printing of repeti- tive backgrounds or forms by allowing the forms to be used for multiple pages rather than requiringthem to be regenerated for each page.
Software language switching -
Installingthe HP PostScript Cartridge Plus device driver on an IBM PC or compatible allows reliable, automatic switching between HP PCL and PostScript under MSDOS or Windows. Software supports language switching on Novell networks, and
ATM- This provides screen fonts for
For more information, contact your HP representative.
Product No. Description
C2089A HP LaserJet printer Postscript Cartridge Plus
Adobe and PostScript are registered trademarks ofAdobe Systems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
New HP JetDirect cards
.forUNIX-based systems
HP JetDirect cards (P/Ns C2059T, C2071T,and C2071S) for UNIX- based systems now are available. These network peripheral interfaces are designed to directly connect
The supported peripherals include the HP LaserJet11, IID, III, IUD, and IUSi printers and the HP DesignJet plotter. These interfaces are the newest in the HP JetDirect card family.
Features and benefits
Peripheral location - Printers
and plotters can be located anywhere on a network by connecting them directly to the network cable. They are no longer confined to host system locations because of serial or parallel cable length limitations.
PNoomumnce- Performanceis maximized by taking advantage of faster network transmission speeds, ratherthan being limited by serial or parallel performance bottlenecks associated with direct system YO connections and external printlplot server boxes. For example, the increased processing speed of the
HP LaserJet mSi printer makes the HP JetDirect interface 15 times fasterthana typical parallel port, depending on the speed and configuration of the network operatingsystem.
Network m a n a g m t -The
new HP JetDirect cards are compatible with standardsimple
network management protocol- based network management applications, such as
HP Openview Interconnect Manager.
Ease of use - An
HP JetDirect cards are compatible with common
Flexibility - Peripheralscan be set up to receive jobs from one central master spooling system or from multiple spoolingsystems. Print and plot jobs can be sent across network routers to net- worked printers and plotters.
Operating system support -The
operatingsystems supported by the new HP JetDirect cards include
Investment yrotection
continued on next page
HP Computer Update, March 1992