2.1 Consignment receipt and unpacking
Immediately after receipt of the equipment it must be checked against the delivery and shipping documents for its completeness and that there has been no damage in transportation.
Any shortage and or damage must be reported immediately to Flowserve Pump Division and received in writing within one month of receipt of the equipment. Later claims cannot be accepted.
Check any crates, boxes and wrappings for any accessories or spare parts that may be packed separately with the equipment or attached to side walls of the box or equipment.
Each product has a unique serial number. Check that this number corresponds with that advised and always quote this number in correspondence as well as when ordering spare parts or further accessories.
2.2 Handling
Boxes, crates, pallets or cartons may be unloaded using fork lift vehicles or slings dependent on their size and construction.
2.3 Lifting
To avoid distortion, the pump unit should be lifted as shown.
When there are no specific lifting points on the baseplate
A crane must be used for all pump sets in excess of 25 kg (55 lb.). Fully trained personnel must carry out lifting, in accordance with local regulations.
The driver weight is recorded on its nameplate or massplate.
2.4 Storage
Store the pump in a clean, dry location away from vibration. Leave piping connection covers in place to keep dirt and other foreign material out of pump casing. Turn pump at intervals to prevent brinelling of the bearings and the seal faces, if fitted, from sticking.
The pump may be stored as above for up to 6 months. Consult Flowserve for preservative actions when a longer storage period is needed.
2.5 Recycling and end of product life
At the end of the service life of the product or its parts, the relevant materials and parts should be recycled or disposed of using an environmentally acceptable method and local regulations. If the product contains substances that are harmful to the environment, these should be removed and disposed of in accordance with current regulations. This also includes the liquids and or gases that may be used in the "seal system" or other utilities.
Make sure that hazardous substances are disposed of safely and that the correct personal protective equipment is used. The safety specifications must be in accordance with the current regulations at all times.
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